2023-07-07 09:32:52
更新时间:2024-09-25 08:32:55
这牵扯到非谓语动词过去分词的理解,以前已经解答过多次了,be done这个结构我既可以说是被动态也可以说是系表结构。二者是重合的,如同be doing我既可以说是进行时态也可以说是系表结构。
我们高中经常说非谓语过去分词可以表示被动及完成。同时非谓语动词过去分词长得跟被动态与完成态一样(记住跟过去式不完全一致),这儿也可以看出,非谓语动词过去分词本身就与被动态有重合之处。所以,be done我既可以说是动词的被动态,也可以将这个done看作非谓语动词过去分词(这里有个重要概念一定要掌握即非谓语动词过去分词可以作表语,同理,非谓语动词现在很分词也可以作表语!!如lay reclined ,stay branded、、、、、)。
同理:be doing,我既可以看作动词的进行时态,也可以将doing看作是非谓语动词现在分词。高中不是经常说什么非谓语动词现在分词表示进行嘛。这样就将系表结构中的非谓语动词过去分词(现在分词)作表语与被动态及进行时完美统一起来了。
The concepts of main clause and passive voice can both refer to the type of subject in a sentence. Main clauses usually begin with "Subject + Verb" while passive clauses start with "Object + Transitive verb." However, the term “passive” also refers specifically to a grammatical construction where the object of an active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence without changing its meaning substantially. To unify these two meanings of 'main clause', one should use 'active clause'. Similarly, we can unify 'passive clause' to just 'passive'. Then, every sentence belongs to either active or passive category.
The distinction between 'main clause' and 'dependent clause' arises from how the meaning of each depends on another part of the sentence. A dependent clause does not contain enough information to make sense alone but needs additional independent clause to convey full message. Examples include 'Although it was raining hard’ or 'Because he studied very hard.' By contrast, the independent clause makes sense independently. For instance, 'She read her book' or 'He wrote his essay last night'. In terms of syntax, most independent sentences end at the semicolon since they are self-sufficient for conveying thought, while most dependent clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns that indicate they rely on something else before them.
In short, we should keep using 'clause' instead of 'main clause'; however, replace 'passive clause' to ‘passive,’ and substitute ‘dependent clause’ for 'subordinate clause.' These changes will better reflect what each really means, making it easier for learners to differentiate.